Game Rumors

November's Rumors!

Raiders keep sacking all the outlying areas around Steel Horse. It’s starting to get really bad with more people going through the morgue every day.


Heard the Sons finally got theirs! Thank fucking goodness! Ain’t none been caught for months until now!


“Heard the townsfolk killed some big spiders. Heard they dint have eggs in em cause they was in raider-kinda people. Yeh, I said IN THEM.”

“Spider and snakes.  What’s next?  Bats?  Crap, it’s gonna be bats…”


Travel is getting horrible out there on the roads.  Seems like there aren’t enough folks to keep them safe.  Glad the train still runs on time.


“Did you hear that Del fella got elected to the council in Steel Horse?  Must be in the pocket of the Rovers to make it on the council…”

“I know we gots a lotta rovers and such, but a town council with almost all rovers? That ain't right. Soon we’ll all haveta be eating and making babies instead of working cause’a stupid new laws.”

“Rovers are some of the best slavers out there.  They are always moving stock around and keeping the best for themselves.  Might at least see a few more Irons on hand.”


“If you aren’t Hedon or Sainthood, Steel Horse ain’t really welcoming to you.  Final Knights, Darwinists, Fallow Hope and Telling Visionists are treated like second class citizens.  Not what the Works advertises.  Hope they clean that up sooner than later, my wife believes in the glow!”


Looks like the gravemind’s gotta taste for ‘Mericans. Maybe it just wanted to get a bit tipsy.


The local scientists are using semper morte technology to create immortal raccoons.  


“Heard the Blood Ravens came out for mating season.  Told folks they shoulda stuck inside.”
“We lost one or two, but it sounds like another one or two got free?”

“Lucky bastards!  Bein’ outside like that is even more dangerous late in the harvest.”


“Did you hear that the fires under Steel Horse are starting to go out? Gonna be a cold winter if that’s the case.”


“Everything’s gone pear-shaped ‘round here lately. The living are trying to kill ya and summa the dead are trying to protect ya’. Steel Horse don't know which way is up anymore.”

“Let’s just talk about raiders killing each other for a moment, shall we?”

“Between that, and the odds and ends like that sniffer thing killing what supposedly weren’t Del, I’m not sure which way is up.  Someone smarter than me should sort this right quick.”


“What the ever living shit is wrong with the morgue? Did you see the doll actually in front of town hall?

Junior thinks its funny to take those dolls from the morgue. Sumthin ain't right in that guy’s head.”


“Saw a big ole scarecrow walking around with folk in town. They was treating it like a person. I swear everyone’s gone insane.”


Those Bloom Industry folk keep coming around.  I heard one of them talking about having the Navy shell the town if they couldn’t get “it”.  What the high holy is that for?  I didn’t do nothin!  I don’t even know what “it” is!





October's Rumors!

“I heard them creepers singing and torturing that poor pure were actual fucking people! The works is going to be pissed!”

“Always make sure to have your papers on you in the Works.”

“I hear that Steel Horse may have gotten on some Pure’s guide to tourist spots.  God help us.”

“Gravemind is talking to people, sending letters.  Hope none of my dead decide to start trying to talk to me.  I can’t afford the headshrinking bills that would rack up.”

“Those scroungers have come across some strange stuff out in the woods.  Dangerous stuff.”

 “The Witches sure are acting weird in Steel Horse.  Not sure they are safe to be around.”

“Don't go out by that morgue if ya ain't got to. More of those creepy dolls and such been showing up. I think I heard voices out there too.”

“Don't drink the water. Seems as though there's babies everywhere all o’ sudden. Unless you want ‘em, then just go spend some time with rovers and you'll be knocked up right quick.”

“Speakin’ of, did that Doc Quinn girl really accept a courting scarf from someone she didn’t know?! OOh dear!”

“Something *must* be in the water because my eyes been playing tricks on me.  I mean just last night I swear that I saw a six foot tall chicken clucking at the moon.”

“Damn, if there ain't a ton of bugs & spiders everywhere lately. Its really kinda gross when they're everywhere, if ya know what I mean.”

“I thought I saw a big old gray bear out huntin’ the other day. Really big thing, big as 2 men big. Scared me silly so I ran like hell!”

“Raiders are becoming a real problem, do you think the Ironworks will ever get them under control?  I heard that a huge horde is moving through up north, sure hope they miss us.”

“Mitchell said that something’s been taking people out of bed at night, not sure what that could be.  Said three people from the halfway house have gone missing just this month.”

“Heard this horrible noise last night, sounded like a DJ ride only more...broken...Really sent a shiver down my spine.”

“Heard a Vegasian sunk a mine near town. Heard folks ain't real happy with how much they're gettin’ charged to use it. Wonder how long its gonna take before the next one goes in and that shiny fella’s prices go down?”

“Its been getting cold at night. Better board up them windows. Never know which one of your neighbors is a Thrill Kill til its too late.”

“Them darn bandits have been quiet this month…. Maybe they finally got caught?”

“Lotsa TVs rolling through the depot. Either somebody got a picture box or trouble’s a’brewin’.”


May Event Rumors

The streets and trails of Steel Horse Crossing are not quiet, though they are muddy.  Citizen and traveler alike pass time with idle chatter.  If you pay enough attention, this is what you might hear…

-Every time I walk from the train station to town at Steel Horse, I feel like I'm being watched.

-The bar may soon have booze.  What a novel idea.  A bar… with booze.

-Old man in the lighthouse was telling some weird stories about the lake, seems avoiding it at night might be a good idea.

-You hear folks tried to make friends with those hooded figures?  Think they’ll be like trash pandas and more will show if you don’t drive em off?

-There's talk of electing a mayor of Steel Horse Crossing. Who's the Works gunna bribe for that kind if sucker-job?

-Sounds like lotsa work available up there in Steel Horse... mail carriers, guards, farmers, and whatever get paid really real money up there!

-My cousin's boyfriend's brother shot a deer for dinner and when he cut it open, worms and lugs fell out!

-BFG north has begun.  Seems a recruitment drive has started in Steel Horse, let’s hope the political agenda stays with the southern chapters.

-There's this new service called "the Yorkshaw". The driver says it only sets on fire every once and awhile.

-Rover War - Friction between the two biggest rover clans seems to be heating up, will the Iron Navy have to quash a blood feud?

-Heard they don’t need bolt holes at that Roadhouse. They just dive out the damn windows.

-Heard even the Iron Navy can’t seem to catch them damn Fortunate Sons. Sounds like their name’s damn accurate!

-Is it true? Do them Winfreys really think they're born from some once living God? Is that even possible? Sounds like some crazy T.V. bullshit to me.

-The skunks are terrible this time of year, shiny and stinky all rolled into one.  Yuck.

-We’re making a weather machine!  Hell, someone needs to do something to stop all this damn snow.

-Things are due to start lighting on fire soon, you sure that weather machine is a good idea?

-Spring thaws mean the coal mine fire is gonna be heating back up again.  Its a weird kinda fire that gets bigger when water gets into the ground.