General Announcements

Moving Towards 3.0 - Plot and Transparency

There’s a lot going on right now in the world of plot, and how the landscape is changing in DR to adopt new constructs for the 3.0 release.  While this is extremely exciting news, it has also caused some confusion and even some feeling of ostracism due to where we are located and our setting and genre.  So let’s break that down with a bit of clarity and transparency so we can start off on the same page.  As much as we love open-ended, player-guided plot as part of our game, we also have some specific lines that have been drawn since prior to our first game, and it’s entirely fair to help you see where those lines are and how you can use them to help shape your game!

Let’s start with a few points of clarity.  First, the national plot currently rolling out has no negative connotations targeting our game based in the Ironworks or our players at all.  I’ve heard a number of concerns worrying on that point, but I want to make sure you all read this here because I think it’s extremely important.  As owners we knew, going in, that the changes to the material required changes to our setting as well.  We were, and are, well aware of where things are headed and are also helping to steer parts of this plot with our own experience.  The Ironworks will not disappear, and we will not lose the setting we are already playing in.  While the Iron Works may change, many of the staples we already have in place will remain when everything is said and done.  The changes that come will be positive overall, and no matter how many voices say otherwise, the network will not be simply steamrolling the game at hand.  (Many don’t know quite how big the Iron Works really is, and the true resources they have at their disposal – something you all know very well!)

On slavery and the associated change: As you already are very likely aware, slavery and the Iron Works setting are tied together pretty tightly.  We took that opportunity to work through the difficulties there when our game opened and ensured our players that took on the role of a slave knew what they were getting into and how to work with that system.  There were no concepts approved for “stupid” or “brainless” slaves.  We didn’t allow players to personify a “happy slave”, who was a cherubic champion of slavery due to how excellent it was for whatever reason.  We emphasized the horrific capitalistic oppression of any and all resources, that took people and turned them into objects.  No part of slavery is remotely acceptable in the real world, and we took this setting material on not to make light of real-life history and culture but allow our players the ability to roleplay within the sinister boundaries of a morally bankrupt empire.  Our players did a phenomenal job of portraying this devastating reality, and I appreciate them taking it with gravity it deserved.  If you haven’t read it yet, I’ll link it below as it deserves a read, but the statement made on why slavery is being eliminated is a tribute to realizing a set of books written years ago, with less awareness of how it would impact others, needs to Evolve.  We support this evolution completely and hope you will join us in the respect deserved for making positive steps forward.

On plot and participation with no games until March: Please know that I have gone to huge lengths to ensure our players can participate in a large variety of options to help work themselves into plot until we gather for our next game.  NPCs will be looking for your help or voices, ideas, and ultimately action.  If you want to participate, you are entirely welcome to do so!  This isn’t a gated event – it’s available to everyone in our game who is looking for input and agency in their home game and setting material.

So – what can you change?  To be fair, the list of things you can change are wildly larger than things that are not changing.  As always, the variety of plot items rolling out on the national stage, along with other more localized options, are all available to you.  It will take your impetus to get involved – you need to jump in somewhere and let us know you’re going to touch on one or more plot points via the method or methods provided.  Sometimes you may be posting reactions to IG material, or videos, or sound recordings.  There is a lot to talk about, but it will all be available publicly.  Please keep watching for it!

What won’t change?  We’ve often talked about a few immutable options for our game, as we have committed to a number of things from day one.  First, Wisconsin’s game will not leave the Iron Works barring a requirement for such in 3.0 material.  This game was established as, and will continue to be, in the Iron Works setting.  This is something that we as owners and game runners have deep investment, and we want you as players to understand that line so we don’t have people that are frustrated about not changing that aspect.  To that end, the game will also always have laws issued by the Works.  Those laws, if you’re familiar with them, will absolutely be changing.  Despite those changes, they will still exist.  The laws facilitate a number of other underlying aspects of the game and background and are inherently part of the structure of everything built up behind the game, NPCs, and story.  Lastly, the town will always be ‘owned’ by NPC groups or factions for a variety of OOG reasons as well as some story components.  This is more an administrative item due to a variety of discussions with other chapters, and ensures we avoid other lingering potential issues long term.

Beyond that, the game has an open door to player agency.  I’ve said it before, and it will remain true: your world and NPCs are all interactive.  If you do something, they can and will react.  Sometimes that works in your favor, and other times it doesn’t.  But if you feel strongly about a particular thing you want to change, there are always options for that.

If you have questions about any items on the list above, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss them.  The game is ultimately about your desired level of involvement, and the enjoyment you derive from it.  If you’d enjoy working on some game aspects while we have downtime from events, I’m here to help.


Mike Surma

Make sure to check out Michael Pucci’s Blog Post - Talking Bluntly - Uprise 2019

Question & Answer Session will be held Saturday, December 29th at 6pm. Join us in Discord!


Announcement time!

First up on the block: Advanced Professions

AP submissions are now open and available on the SHC website, link below. If you want to submit your PC for an advanced profession, please use this form only (all other requests will be discarded). Further, read every detail extremely carefully on the page. It's not a trick submission, but every detail must be followed. Once you hit submit, that's your one time for the next 12 months you can do so. Please make it count properly!…/

Second: Rarity strain changes

In our initial three year story arc, there have been a few things planned from the day we opened our doors. The information here includes details of things that are changing around you and due to your influence. All changes take effect now, and all original details are still valid and need no change (such as, you pay no extra AP for any change made now).

1) Despite the harsher conditions than normal, the Reclaimers have felt a push to become more insular and less open. While most have not yet fled north, there is an honest sentiment that northern Wishigan is less than hospitable for them. You will likely see even fewer than usual, including a few trading groups that had been openly offering amenable trading with Steel Horse.

Reclaimers have been moved to Rare (300 AP)

2) Conversely, with the town overwhelmingly supporting the RPM in their efforts to improve the surrounding area in a time of need, Dick Berken and the local DJs have slowly come around to helping residents more openly. While still bitter over certain topics, the RPM has started to engage a smaller, but regular, presence in town.

Diesel Jocks have been moved to Uncommon (150 AP)

Please continue to remember that ALL restricted strains have particular requirements placed on them. Having the list amount of AP for any strain does not ensure that you will play that strain. If you'd like to review the current restricted strain list, it can be found here:…/…/strains-in-drwi

Thanks all!

Heather and Mike

A Letter from Dick Berken

The OOG aspects from this post:
If your character wants to pitch in anything, please send mail to our usual email address ( to detail the following three categories:

1) What cards or currency are you submitting before game on?
2) How much body, mind and/or infection are you committing to these efforts?
3) If you offer physical labor beyond mind/body/infection pre-game, please indicate that you are willing to take an extra 2 hour NPC shift at the start of game.

Player input from last game, pre-game for March, and at March's game will continue to contribute to ongoing overarc plot. The items submitted above will not enable any downtime action, but will be collected at the beginning of the game (for items/cards), potentially adjust your character sheet per your indicated expenditures entering the March game (to be announced), or be realized at game (per extra NPC shift).

Plot and Player Agency – What’s the Impact?

I wanted to take a few minutes to talk to everyone about story given current discussions.  We’ve had a number of people write in on two parallel, but very different topics.  The first is “How do I get involved in plot?” – you see plot and story, but you’re not sure how to insert yourselves into the mix.  Since that is one of the primary aspects of a LARP, we want to offer you some ideas on what some of the easy avenues are to jump right in.  The second is “I don’t like this plot, it should go away!” – on this tangent, I’m going to briefly discuss this mentality and why it’s self-destructive, as well as how to address that concern.

Engaging Plot:
So, you have seen something that calls to you, and you want to jump in.  Perhaps you’ve never LARPed before, or this LARP is very different from others that you’ve participated in, and you’re not sure how to do that.  There are a few ways you can readily join the fray, and be as engaged as you feel you want to be.

  1. NPCs and the world around you: DR is a living world, which in short means that whatever you see or experience is possibly an avenue into plot or something entirely new.  Since NPCs are sent out regularly, and the world exists continuously, this is a simple way to jump in when you’re ready to see what exists.  Have you asked an NPC about a problem you’ve been looking at for the last hour?  Perhaps they know of someone or something that leads to another step?
  2. Research: As a high technology area, with a focus on things your character may not know much about straight out of the gate, using research can be a huge boon to helping to get that edge on something you’re working on.  Research can be done by anyone that is Educated at a library.  Don’t have the Educated skill?  Team up with someone that does!  You can work with others to ensure proper research is done, even if you don’t have the skills yourself.
  3. Working with other PCs: Sometimes, certain plot hits smaller groups than the whole game.  If you want to see what else is out there that could use your character’s input, check around.  As a social game, DR thrives on player interaction.  Just because a plot didn’t start in your hands doesn’t mean you can’t get your hands on it.
  4. Staff: As a last resort, you can always talk to the storytelling staff if you have story questions or need particular answers.  We highly recommend using the first 3 avenues if you haven’t tried them already, and you may be asked to use those options (particularly research) if you haven’t tried that already.  Sometimes, though, story needs input more directly.  That’s what we’re here for.

Whatever your method, engaging in plot is open-ended.  If you think you can’t impact a plot, or that what you can or can’t do is pre-established, you are likely in for a surprise.  Every plot that we’ve approved has player agency written in, no matter how big or how small that plot is.  Thinking you can’t impact a plot based on a pre-conceived notion may keep you from trying, and that is a guaranteed way to not achieve any impact!

Disengaging from Plot:
On the other side of the spectrum, sometimes you find plot that isn’t to your tastes.  There are two things to keep in mind here.  First, you don’t have to actively participate in any plot that exists in the world.  You have the choice to avoid or pass on plot that has engaged you, and telling the staff that it is not something you want in your game is viable.  You should not use this as an escape from negative repercussions, but if this story isn’t healthy for you, no one wants to ensure you have a bad time.  Second, lack of direct participation in plot doesn’t mean you’re not going to experience plot that hits the game as a whole.  Across the network, plots anywhere from nationally to locally happen that impact players both positively and negatively.  You should expect that will be no different from game to game, with the exception of how it is implemented.

Now, let’s look at this a different way.  If you think something is hard, or makes the game more difficult, you have the above ways to engage the plot and more.  If you’ve ever said “I didn’t like that particular thing”, did you try and fix it with any of the methods above, or even others of your own making?  Bad things happen in the DR world, and if you’re not interested in trying to help resolve those things, bad things tend to linger when unattended.  Downfall mechanics have played a huge part in a lot of chapters over the last few months, and a variety of negative impacts were explicitly and publicly called out.  These impacts and more are up to players to resolve (or not), which means by disengaging, you are effectively forcing others to solve problems for you without any input.

This is a game based around plot and story.  It’s also a game that values “playing to lose”, or valuing that plot, story, and the larger community above a single person or character.  This is not to say your character sheet is unimportant, but the ink should be only a small part of the experience.  If you approach plot with the attitude “I don’t like this”, and decide it is not important or shouldn’t exist because of that, you are effectively suggesting that all the other characters in the game mean less than your character, and their experience is less important than your own.

In short, if you’re feeling like story or plot is hopeless, and you haven’t looked into any of it or taken any action yourself, the best you’re likely to be able to offer the problem is hope that it gets better while others are trying to fix it.

If you have further questions, or this didn’t answer something you’ve asked, please feel free to contact us and we’ll be happy to have further discussion.


Crafting Policies

Crafting, and how it's done:

First, a quick note as a direct copy from Michael Pucci in reference to the game materials as they stand in the book:
"If a crafter is producing materials, they need to go get their item card after the crafting is done."

In essence, every time you do a thing, you need to trek to logistics and get your card. Thinking about it, even with the weather cooperating, it's a lot less fun to run things this way when that walk is long.  So our policy is going to take on aspects of one of the other long-trek games as follows:

1) During the hours Logistics is open, you may complete one "job", or 3 blueprints, at any one visit. A job is defined as the following:
- One card worth of meal/brew, up to 10 items
(Any blueprint that produces more than 10 items is still fine for one use!)
- One weapon/armor creation
- Any/All improvements on one weapon/armor
- One Forged Item (Still, Forge, Workbench, etc.)
- One instance of farming / fishing

That means if you need to make 3 Plexi-padding to get your end-result armor, then make sure you spend the time and resources to make all four "things" appropriately, and bring both blueprints with the materials, so you can get that particular armor. One card from Logistics is the key for this - it was not meant to have those with Building Tomorrow running to Logistics every time they needed a 2 minute crafting 37 times over for a larger effort.

2) During the hours Logistics is shut down, you may produce only one of the above activities, which may be turned in once Logistics opens.

In essence, if we have to take out more than one card to complete the activity you are doing at that time, you'd need to come back a second time (or more). This is different than the general guideline above, which would have you coming to logistics every time you pumped out a single brew or meal, or each upgrade you did to a weapon.

That said, these are policies that we're modifying slightly from the way they're intended to make production a bit less annoying. There are still rules, however, and games are required to impose such rules to ensure play is fair across the network. 

AP Donations List Updated

Looking to earn AP for the Wisconsin Game?  You can do so by donating items the game needs!

You will receive 1 AP for each dollar spent.  Be sure to save your receipts and email them to or send a copy to:

 6508 S. 27th St.

Suite 9 #282

Oak Creek WI 53154

You will receive the AP once we have both the items and the receipt in hand.  If you don’t have a receipt, we will give you a general AP total based off of amazon price and condition of item.  AP can be spent at the first game, or any subsequent game.

Most everything is on the Amazon Wish List.  Everything with an (*) behind it is specific to that brand/type.  If it doesn’t have an (*) behind it that means it’s a non-specific item and can be donated at will.  This allows you to see exactly what we need as well as have it shipped directly to us.  If you don’t want to pay for shipping, you are more than welcome to drop it off at game itself.  

 If you are interested in donating NPC costumes be aware we accept costumes in size large and up.

 Please comment below if you are purchasing something so we can keep track of what is being purchased to avoid duplicates.

 If you have questions, ask!

 CHECK THE WISH LIST BEFORE YOU BUY! In many instances we have very specific needs.

Office Supplies

  1. Garbage bags
  2. Clorox wipes
  3. Lysol
  4. Facial wipes
  5. Duct tape
  6. Ink cartridges*
  7. Bug spray

Costume and Makeup

  1. Kayo Syrup
  2. Red Food Coloring
  3. Makeup Cake – White
  4. Makeup Cake – Yellow
  5. Makeup Cake – Green
  6. Makeup Cake – Red
  7. Makeup Cake – Brown
  8. Makeup Cake – Blue
  9. Make up sponges
  10. Costume donations in Large and XL (including hats!)
  11. Football shoulder pads

Medical Kit

  1. Poison ivy cream
  2. Sting relief cream
  3. Gatorade



Books are now available at SHC

We have received our first shipment of books for DR:WI!  

Save on shipping and pick them up at game!  You can order them before game, pay for them online and then receive them with your character sheet during pre-registration.  We will also have books available during registration for you to purchase as well.

If we run out you can leave your order with us and we will bring them to the next game for you.  No shipping needed (or offered, see below if you need a book shipped to you).

Here are the books we currently carry:

Dystopia Rising LARP Survivors Guide 2.0

Echoes of Celluloid Dreams - Dystopia Rising

Axis of Blood and Iron - Dystopia Rising

Diaries of the Rum Coast - Dystopia Rising

Scraps of the Rust Empire - Dystopia Rising

Embers of the Irradiated West - Dystopia Rising

Pillars of Dead Light - Dystopia Rising

Monoliths of Rust - Dystopia Rising

For more information on pricing check out our store!  

If you need a book shipped to you check out!

February's Blood Drive


One of the greatest part of the DR community is it's willingness to give back to the world. One of the ways we do that is through charity drives.

This month many of the chapters are participating in a blood drive, Wisconsin included! Take a picture of yourself giving blood or helping a friend give blood if you can't yourself, and send it to for some yummie AP!

50 AP for blood and 100 AP for Platelets.

So come on Wisconsin, let's see you bleed!

DR:WI Mailing Policy

Ever had an itch to send something to someone in game? Did you know that you can, in fact, do just that? Each chapter has its own rules on how to accomplish it, and below relates to Steel Horse Crossing.

First, a point of order: Dystopia Rising was fashioned as a game that is played on site and in the flesh. It is meant to have no downtime, and things that happen should happen at game. It's one of the primary tenets of our game world. So how does mail work?

We ask that you send all mail coming into Steel Horse to the following PO Box. Anything being sent here will be properly delivered to their recipient at the next game, and be accomplished via In-Game means.
6508 S. 27th St.
Suite 9 #282
Oak Creek, WI 53154

Why is this important? The answer is twofold. First, it ensures we're playing by the intentions of the game - all gameplay happens at game, not "off camera". The second, and perhaps even more important, is that we have ways and means for our game to deliver the mail. It involves players, and their characters, facilitating an in game purpose. You are helping not only yourself, but others around you, play the game and get into more roleplay. As directors, we appreciate anyone offering the players in SHC an opportunity for more roleplay - after all, that's why we play the game, right?

Other branches may follow other policies, and assuredly have different delivery addresses. For outgoing mail, please check with individual chapters. 

Thanks in advance for your help!

March Pre-Registration Open

March's Pre-Registration is now open!  

March's Meal Plan is sure to please!

Friday Dinner: Potato Soup, sammiches, cookies
Saturday Breakfast: Breakfast strata, fresh fruit, trailmix cookies
Saturday Lunch: Sweet & sour chicken, sticky rice, veggies
Saturday Dinner: Swedish porkloin, roasted apples, wholegrain pilaf
Sunday Breakfast: fruit breads, boiled eggs, handmade sausage

Alternatives will be available for various diets. Be sure to let us know what you need when you sign up!

Some other things you will need to know:

NPC Opt-Outs.
There's been a small change in how we're going to work with Opt-outs, specifically because of the growing size of our game. Early on, until we can understand the full scope of how many people we'll level off with at regular games, we're specifically less interested in offering Opt-outs. As a game, it's not a mandatory option - it's a convenience. We'd like to keep that convenience, especially for those that need it. So please review the two items of note below so you can understand how they'll work moving forward.

1) Medical Opt-out
This one is simple - it will never increase in price, and is intended for those that physically cannot participate in an NPC shift. While we have numerous options for folks that need arrangements to make an NPC shift happen, there will always be this option as well. To leverage this option, you MUST contact us at prior to registration. We will tell you how to proceed from there. You WILL NOT see this option on the site for registration - it can only be leveraged via talking to the Director staff.

2) NPC Opt-out
This option will change over time. Right now, the price is a bit higher than we'd expect it to be as it settles, specifically because we'd prefer people to take the NPC shift so we can continue to offer plenty of plot and interaction. There will be very limited quantities at this time, and each game this option will be re-evaluated based on NPC shift needs and how the game performed with the NPC levels. The expectation is that as we get more regular players, the price of this option will decrease over time until it settles into a more permanent space. The numbers of this opt-out type DO NOT impact Medical Opt-outs at all.

In short: We're attempting to ensure we respect those with medical needs in the variety of ways we have at our disposal, while letting the game population help us dictate proper NPC shifts. Our expectation is that this will level off over the first season, and we'll let you know when everything is where we expect it to remain.

If you have medical issues but still want to NPC our STs have plenty of things to do, and one of our goals is to have a constant stream of "one person non-com NPC duties" that we can send people out with. Simple social mods that we can orange headband folks up, and send them out for RP. While we can't do that for everyone, we CAN spread people in this situation through multiple shifts as well.

Even at the absolute worst case scenario, we have one-off jobs in and around monster camp - getting people made-up, helping pull the next set of props, etc - that can fill gaps where you aren't out in the field so don't feel like you HAVE to purchase an opt-out.

There is still no charge for NPCing the entire weekend.  Though you will still need to purchase the meal plan if you wish to be on it.