Hey, did you hear? - October Rumors

Thrill Kill Raiders have been seen stalking the area around Steel Horse. Last month it was the pretty ones, and a few of the crazy medical types. Now there’s one wearing some religious regalia? Raiders ain’t religious...

Heard that Blackwood-Kohler girl's been around the woods again, burying all manner of jars and trinkets, foraging whatever she sees, taking our resources like all the damn Pure Bloods!

Wow...our last household manager just left and I just can’t seem to find a good one. He had SUCH a surly disposition though! Who could stand him?

Captain Perry’s done gone outfitted another ship up real nice. Sure will be a shame to see that one disappear like the rest of ‘em did. Hope he gets himself a good crew to man it, and some answers. Sounds like they’re sailing the coast to Steel Horse from some port down south. You’d think he’d learned his lesson by now. 

Gillie and Haven seem to keep getting caught unaware late at night and surviving. You ever heard of the Gravemind testing someone?

Seems the Helldivers have turned to other digs since the fire situation has been so tame. Wouldn't be surprised if they found some old Lascie treasures, or old world stuff that's been there an eternity.

A Harvest Rodeo in November? Sounds like a good opportunity to make some cash...or lose some bets. Planning will probably happen over the Council Meeting, but if you don’t have the patience for politics, there will probably be a few people willing to fill you in.

Some madman at the bar was raving about how he saw a stranger with a hat riding the train. But that’s ridiculous. The trains haven't run in years.

A weepy Pure and her ugly bodyguard stopped in on their way up to Steel Horse. She was asking about her daughter, who she said was about yay tall, with greenish skin and caterpillar features? Can’t say I recall seeing a remnant as ugly as her daddy, but I’ll keep a lookout.

Is it true that Steel Horse has an adventurer for a mayor and a Hedon as a Judge? Has anyone tried to bribe the Digitarian yet? Heard his trust fund dried up when they found out he wasn’t a Pureblood!

Anybody remember when the Norske and the Corvids were at each other’s throats? Everyone assumes Rovers always stick together, but there are more than a couple families they’d rather forget about...and probably have.

Ya ever wonder what happened to the old railroads over the past few years? With no one to guard them, most of them trains and the tracks have been tossed for scrap. But maybe one or two of them old engines survived?

The oldcestors believed in ghosts. Total craziness if you ask me. A zed is a zed is a zed.

Hey, did you hear? - September Rumors

“Has anyone heard from Farmer Horowitz since he came to town last month? He was complaining about some stuff on his crops last I heard…went to Steel Horse to talk to some of them folks. Wonder if they came up with anything?”

“Granny Comb has been so lonely since the last of her brood left for deeper waters. If you catch her on one of her walks around town, be kind and say hello. We need to be nice to our elders!”

“Lots of things the town needs to discuss - town facilities, trains, stockpiling supplies for winter. We shouldn’t be leaving that up to some crusty politicians. Anyone who is sticking around for a bit might want to engage in some civic duty Saturday afternoon and listen in on the Public Town Council Meeting. Good to see some civilized democracy in Steel Horse at last!” 

“Someone said they overheard that the Norske went and killed a god. But if they were a god, how’d they die?”

“I swear, that black dog were back, right there at the end of the docks, just scaled right up the side of the ship and back down it. When the ship set sail the next day, the GLTC’s Harbor Master said he heard it howling. Now the ship is missing. But don’t bother asking the Harbor Master about it - it’s bad luck to talk about it. As a matter of fact, forget I said anything…”

“Labor Union’s been busy making sure both sides of town have access to enough food for winter. They could probably use a hand, preferably someone who’s used to organizing for a big group and who has the best interest of all townsfolk in mind.” 

“The Dive” is open...sometimes. If you have a good ear and want to know the talk about town, you can head over to the Lake when the light’s on in that little tarpaper shack. Buy a drink and sit and listen and you might learn something.”

“The Helldivers had some success last month getting them old vents in the tunnels opened up.  Totally stopped the ground from shaking and cracking like it usually does all summer. Folks from town even pitched in to help. Season’s coming to a close, which means they can finally tackle them last two they had so much difficulty with. I wonder what it means, though, having them open all winter? It’s been a long time since that happened.”

“Fall is a great time for hunting around Steel Horse Crossing. If you’re looking to feed your family, a rad chicken would be a real lucky find. Aracuana and Lakenvelder are the best damn chicken hunters around, so if you want to learn, you’ll do well to chat them up when they come to town again.”

“Murder bird season is almost here. Hope we learned our lessons last year on how to deal with them! Luckily there’s a sect of Sainthood who are making sure no one forgets. They’ll probably be checking in on townsfolk sooner or later, seeing as some kind locals helped them out back in April when their home got destroyed.”

“A Mayor for Steel Horse? It’s in the Constitution! Rumor is the Council has already got someone in mind, too. They’ll be interviewing them this trade. Not sure if I should wish them good luck or offer my condolences.” 

“The Steel Bloods have been mighty quiet of late, and keeping to their own. Maybe splitting the town in two like the Elders decided WAS a good idea. I really don’t think it was that easy, though.”

"I heard there was a bunch of weird shit hanging from the trees in different places around town. Sticks and bits of bone; who knows what else. Tiny scraps of paper with bits of song found in the woods. I wish people would take their weird cult crap somewhere else."

"Did you see that thing that docked in the harbor? I heard someone call it a "pleasure craft", and that their tickets were all sold out. Probably a Hedon thing, but I've never heard of them selling tickets to their parties."

Hey, did you hear? - August Rumors

“Helldive season is here, and them tunnels the Laskies rebuilt seem to be holding up for the most part. Way I understood it, the fire’s got proper vents now instead of exploding all over the place. Don’t be surprised if a few of ‘em are a little worse for wear though. Helldivers got their work cut out for them either way.”

“How do the dead find home if there’s no Morgue to welcome them back?”

“GLTC pulled the lifejackets and a few other favors from their services. Seems they’re cutting some corners to make up for that shipment that got jacked last month. Heard the guy who was helping their delivery person bailed town after, scared for his life. Does anyone pay the professionals for revenge anymore?”

“Why is it so hard to light a damn campfire or roast a few raiders lately? This migraine sucks. Can’t an Aberrant catch a break? ”

“A Graverobber on Council, a former Ironworks Navy officer as Sheriff, and a blood crazed Digitarian as a Judge. If there’s a joke somewhere in this, I don’t see it.”

“Griffin O’Connell’s finally gone and done it! That thing even looks seaworthy, if you can believe it. Now if only that contraption is as good as the people he’s gonna pay to man it. Good thing he bought them dive suits off the Captain last month. Might need ‘em down there.”

“Mericans got a way of pissin’ off folk without even tryin’. Just look at Councilwoman Turner. She’s always out to do something nice for someone, but in this better than you Nuke Fam kinda way. Heard she bought a Saltwise gal a ship, then slapped her name on the prow. Now that’s some Pureblood arrogance, if I ever saw some.”

“Sterling Controls isn’t hurting for good ideas. But their investors are gonna need to make some tough decisions real soon. Instead of asking all the science types and money bags, maybe they should ask the folks who are gonna use all the stuff they come up with?”

“Anyone hear Judge Remembrance’s pronouncement last trade? Looks like she’s gotta soft spot for murderers. Hope if I ever get in trouble I got an official like that in my pocket. I wonder what it costs to buy a Judge these days?”

“Are those eggs growing on that corn? Or fungus? Or….?”

A handwritten scrap of paper, found on the Announcement board in Town Hall:
“Lost souls mourn longest
Where do we go from here now?
Blood flows out freely”

Hey, did you hear? - July Rumors

"They're saying that now that the water is real clear, if you look close in one spot, you can see a old ship down there at the bottom. There's a Captain who can show you where, but he's not sharing that info with anyone just yet. He'll be through town on Saturday afternoon for some salvage supplies. Heard he had room for a few more crew, too..."

"Anyone heard from Bloom Industries lately? With all that talk of Labs in the south, you'd think they'd be sniffing around town again. Heard they made a deal with the Elder Council recently, though the details are super murky."

"Them new Mericans that moved into town recently seem amiable enough. One of 'em even helped me fix my ride. Seems a little late for spring plantin' though, and that land they got went fallow years ago. Also wonder what they got planned with all that STUFF."

"There's definitely been an uptick of banditry on the roads. Maybe them Steel Bloods were on to something with their policing after all..."

"Them train tracks been quiet for a year now, since there ain't no body to organize. Where's everybody been lately? Gimme some politicians that can make things GO."

"Remember that batty remnant from May? They're talking about some kind of quest again....wonder what it is this time? Sounds like it might pay a little bit, too."

"Heard some Saltwise docked late last month, and said they got no intention of going anywhere for a bit. Seems they is settling into Steel Horse permanent like. The last few nights they even opened up a part of the ship as a bar. Of course they callin' it "The Dive.""

"We went months without mysterious babies crying and children laughing in the woods. Now we got people counting or talking in some incomprehensible languages? Not sure which is worse....but I did see a little girl with pig tails all alone on the road this morning, humming tunes to herself. Didn't stop to see if she was real. Kids shouldn't be unsupervised!"

"Lots of new faces in town. Wonder who they'll all be votin' for this coming election?"

Hey, Did You Hear? - November's Rumors

“Have you seen how many vendor booths are setting up for the Quarterly Marketplace? It looks like town’s finally on the up & up!”

“What is with all these derned raiders again? How’s they getting’ through thedefenses?”

“My sister said there’s some folks working to patrol with the Steel Bloods. She says its ‘cause folks want to get the town back, but I dunno ‘cause I know lotsa folks who wanna fight ‘em too. It could get reeeal messy.”

“Been lotsa problems with the waterways lately. Raids on the docks, dammed-up streams, and bad weather making smaller boats sink. The sailing folks sure have their hands full!”

“Oh shit, its TV bullshit season. I’m hiding til Spring.”

“A coupla lascies came into the tavern and were mumbling about townsfolk helping them break down some wall in the tunnels. Couldn’t pay me enough to go down in that nasty dark crap anyday!”

“Did you see the size of the bird them’s Norskes were buying? Looks like they’re either going to war again or having some big feast. I suppose its probably both.”

“I just about shit my pants when I saw a buncha Tainted walking past my place yesterday. Thought we was gonna end up with another war again!”

November Quarterly Marketplace

Poster 2.jpg

The Great Lakes Trading Company proudly presents:

The Steel Horse Crossing Quarterly Marketplace!

After years of prosperity and growth we have a whole host of talented crafters available to show their wares and tempt the wasteland with their delicious foods. Bring your own merchandise and set up your own stall! No taxes will be levied on your sales, no Ironworks to demand their share. Just farmers, artisans and foodies providing goods and services to the broader wastelands!

To register for a booth, let Captain Maggie know where you plan on setting up, and what you plan on selling and she will make sure the area is cleared of debris (and zed and zed debris) before trade begins.

OOC Information:

Folks are encouraged to create “Vendor Booths” in safe locations anywhere on site with space in Town Hall so long as it doesn’t interfere with the workstations or cause fire hazards. Folks are encouraged to promote their businesses, skills and wares in a genre setting to represent the economic growth of SHC.

No real money transactions during game, this should be for IC money only, but you are free to make a list of folks to catch up with after game if need be.

An example: The Corvids will be creating a grab & go counter at their Wayside for the Quarterly Marketplace, selling hot beverages, soups, stews, and pastries. They will be providing eco-friendly, biodegradable to-go containers for convenience.

Be aware of the weather when planning your booths, it will get chilly and you may need a way to stay warm.

You can contact Captain Maggie by emailing CustomerService@dystopiarisingwi.com. Please let us know where you plan on setting up your stall and what you plan on selling. As always, areas are first come first served.

Hey, Did You Hear? - October's Rumors

“My sister’s husband’s family lives next to the Steel Bloods encampment and said they’ve been dealing with some “un-neighborly behavior”. I dunno what that means, but I betcha they’re gonna ask some folk to help ‘em do something about it.”


“Joe, you seen the docks lately? Between the Harrington PLC and the SHC Navy’s reg’lur business and preparing for the big market, its been going strong day and night!’




“So many of them Church of Darwin followers have been flocking to town lately that the local Darwins need to make some info packets to hand out to ‘em!”


“Your Solestros boyfriend said some companies called Sterling and Bloom were looking for investors. What’s that mean? Do they only take money or can I invest some cows now for more cows later?”


“Seems like a lotta folks are coming back from big adventures out in the Wastes. Gramma said she saw a big flying ship coming this way, but she’s reeeeal old so I dunno if she sees too good no more.”


“Ya know those loud-as-hell noises you heard last night? An RPM fella said that was Sophie Gates rolling back into town with a buncha half-raiders lookin’ to move em into the RPM compound. I wonder how mad Abe’s gonna be about her leaving that baby with ‘im way back when?”


“So lemme get this straight… If I want to buy something ‘under the table’, I gotta go to the nasty side of town where folks get killed on the regular? Shit, being a criminal sounds dangerous!”

Steel Horse Time Jump, Year 3

The third year following the fall of the Ironworks found Steel Horse Crossing settling into its population growth. Secure systems were regularly built and put into place to produce enough food, brews, equipment, and medical treatment for its populous. Much like most cities, Steel Horse had found itself large enough to have different neighborhoods, districts, and communities within its confines, and settlers would choose where they were most comfortable to make their homes. There were communes, compounds, plantations, and encampments with different families, clans, and gangs in each. Crime had become relatively manageable and mostly went back to dark alleys and the Wastelands where it belonged. Some people even started to make enough money that they began investing in local businesses to further grow the economy and the town’s capabilities.

The most sizeable district in town was protected by the Steel Bloods, and their numbers grew steadily every day. They had a penchant for absorbing smaller groups and gangs into their district and larger organization, adding to their numbers, abilities, and power. The increasing size of this district and group only elevated their ability to govern the area, and their insistence that all their members vote as soon as they became a citizen allowed them to hold the majority of the seats and positions in Steel Horse Crossing’s elected government by the second election that year. It was easy enough to accomplish because each candidate on the ticket identified themselves as their original, smaller gang, group, or clan so that they would not go against the letters of the law. The town was large enough that not everyone knew where each candidate lived, and many non-Steel Bloods lived within their district for it to be not too questionable by the populous. By the end of the year, it had become abundantly clear to some that the Steel Bloods had played an exceptional long game and now the town was begrudgingly beholden to the laws it had created just a few years prior.

Trade had increased in the area with the GLTC’s introduction of the Quarterly Marketplace events held in March, June, August, and November. The town of Steel Horse Crossing hosted the event and the SHC Navy and local law enforcement provided the event’s security necessary for such a gathering. Restaurants, sales of wares & equipment, entertainment, and parties became the hub of the local economy during these events and people came from all over to see what the settlement had to offer. Makeshift booths, bars, and stages decorated the city center and each Quarterly Marketplace grew larger and more diverse with its offerings. The local ports and ships stayed busy with the escort, transport, and protection of merchants and patrons of the market.

The Lascarian population continued to grow and had become a notable part of the community. They were working with the Helldiver Society, and subsequently the Helldiver’s Association, to find and dig more functional, safe tunnels beneath Steel Horse Crossing for their homes. They also started working with the townspeople in safer mine placement and facilitating underground salvage operations. Soon the rumors that had been spread about the Lascarians many years prior were barely whispered by only the most curmudgeonly of codgers in the back corners of taverns.

There have always been contradictory folks in every town throughout all of time, but it was hard to shut the discordant dipsomaniacs up when the raiders started getting through the layers of defenses into the city proper. “Told ya they’d be back soon enough! I TOLD YA!” could be heard from the doors & windows of taverns every time a few raiders ran through town to break into a building and take their goods. One or two times was completely probable and understandable, but the regularity of it had become worrisome and the dissonant drunks, annoying.


Welcome to Dystopia Rising: Evolved, Steel Horse Crossing!

We’re excited to have you join us for some excellent stories, exciting events, and unforgettable experiences!

Steel Horse Crossing Time Jump, Year 2

The first year after the fall of the Ironworks proved to be highly productive, considering how much rebuilding needed to be done. After that year of physical and economic rebuilding, people started to steadily move into the thriving cities in higher numbers, Steel Horse Crossing included. From farmers looking for better quality land to scavengers looking for the scraps of the fallen empire, every sort of person imaginable wandered through, analyzing whether Steel Horse was a good place to live or “ripe for the pickins”.

The town’s population grew significantly, and housing, food, and basic supplies started to run short of the demand. Those who had known the starvation of Winters past knew the telltale signs of potential supply shortages and started to teach the newer townspeople how to prepare for the worst. They reached out to the seasoned production groups such as the Rooftop Farmers Association, the IBC, and the Livestock Ranching Federation that they’d worked with previously to secure plans for safer and more productive farming & brewing facilities. They talked with the Ridge Tribes to help teach more people to hunt and scrounge food sources in the area. The Winter was difficult with so many more mouths to feed, but Steel Horse Crossing came through with better, more secure facilities and practices for production than before. The need to develop these sorts of systems and alliances was not isolated to Steel Horse, but crucial across the entire area that Winter, and this subsequently led to the forming of The Labour Union across many of the remaining territories.

With this wave of settlers coming into the area, criminal activity rose, and the residents had to evaluate and increase the security on their homes and possessions. In response to that need, the sheriffs created an extensive network of deputies that could be called-on. The Steel Bloods offered to assist with managing the crime by sending out groups of patrols to wander the town’s perimeter so that the sheriffs and their deputies could manage the central areas of town and the RPM could cover any outside threats. The SHC Navy had their hands full securing the safety of the local waterways and ports, so they reached out to known and trusted privateers to train some of the townsfolk how to sail and work the boats & docks. This collaboration proved to be priceless in many ways, particularly when other lake-bordering settlements started reaching out to discuss trade, security, and salvage operations. After six months of negotiations and paper-shuffling, the Great Lakes Trading Company was formed and many people within Steel Horse Crossing were eager for the development of avenues for trade and commerce.

As the city steadily grew, it encroached dangerously close to the irradiated zone. People who had recently settled on the outskirts started coming into the city-center sick. Those who had survived the raider wars and its consequent irradiated fungal sickness recognized the tell-tale signs of exposure to the disease. People started getting sick all over, and once again, there weren’t enough doctors to cure people as fast as the disease was spreading. The local scientists and doctors appealed to, and invested in, Bloom Industries for assistance in studying the fungus and its infection to assist in the local doctors developing a cure. After three grueling months, the infection within the local mycorrhizal fungi was cured and the new settlers were moved further away from the irradiated zone for good measure.

The political unrest that came two years prior with the New United Kinship movement hadn’t grown much beyond its original size until they decided to join forces with the Steel Bloods. The NUKM loyalists not only added the Steel Bloods’ colors to their ensemble, but they assisted with the perimeter patrols and business. In exchange, the Steel Bloods offered the NUKM members access to more people & resources as well as a base of operations. At this point, the Steel Bloods had grown in numbers so significantly that they now held half of the elected positions in Steel Horse Crossing.

Steel Horse Crossing Constitution

Section 1: The protectorates exist as a fundamental reminder of the inherent rights of all Citizens of Steel Horse Cross are entitled to. As well, they serve as guidelines to future law crafters, so they serve the common needs of the people without trampling those things we hold supreme.

  1. SELF-DEFENSE. The ability to protect oneself from the dangers of the Wasteland are necessary and shall not be infringed.

  2. RELIGIOUS AUTONOMY. Individual expression and practice of any and all faiths shall not be impeded. These practices, however, shall not be exempt from lawful ordinance.

  3. BODILY AUTONOMY. We are the ones ultimately in control of ourselves and our destinies. No law, or nation, may impede, or be imposed, as an attempt to force someone into action.

Certain elements of these protectorates can be waived in the case of dangerous criminals, up to and including loss of the protectorate of SELF-DEFENSE, RELIGIOUS AUTONOMY, and freedom of movement. However, BODILY AUTONOMY shall not be impeded.

Section 2: Officials in the Government Bodies that comprise the overall Government of Steel Horse Crossing shall follow these guidelines.

  1. Resident and Citizen of Steel Horse Crossing

  2. Holding no other position in a foreign government

  3. Be endorsed by 3 non-affiliated individuals

  4. All officials shall hold office for a term of 5 months

  5. An official may not hold consecutive terms

  6. An official may not hold more than one position per term

Voting shall be conducted on the 7th and 12th trade month of the year.

Every Citizen shall be entitled to two votes in each of the Government Bodies Elections. Votes may not be spent both on one candidate.

Voting shall be conducted in the following fashion:

  1. Provide proof of citizenship

  2. Receive a ballot to be filled out privately

    a. For those unable to read or write, a Depot Official shall be provided.

  3. Ballot shall be registered and counted via double-blind, through both the Depot and the Elder Council

For those unable to attend trade during election month a proxy may be selected and empowered by sending them along with the proxied citizenship paperwork.

Section 3: Three Bodies of Government shall be what compose the Greater Government.

Town Council (5 Positions)

  1. The Body shall be empowered to create and repeal laws.

  2. The Body shall be empowered to create administrative bodies and appoint individuals to oversee them.

  3. A majority vote is required to pass a law or measure.

Law Enforcement - Sheriff (2 Positions)

  1. This Body shall be empowered to investigate any reported crime.

  2. This body shall see to enforcement of Judicial Punishment.

  3. May appoint Citizens as Deputies to assist in Duties.

Judicial Authority - Judges (2 Positions)

  1. Empowered to sit in judgement over criminal cases, render verdicts, and decide on fair punishments excluding death (requires an additional vote by the Town Council)

  2. Empowered to interpret law and the fair application of its uses and needs

  3. Judicial Review shall view past cases for the precedence of proper judgment and punishment

Section 4: In cases of need, such as when found guilty of a crime, Officials may be removed from office.

  1. Judges and Sheriffs may be removed by a unanimous Town Council Vote of No Confidence

  2. Town Councilors may be removed by a unanimous vote of no confidence from Judges, Sheriffs, and other Town Councilors.

In the event of an Official being removed from office, a vote shall be held at the earliest convenience.

Section 5: All administrative functions and offices shall be properly staffed by appointment through majority votes of the Town Council.

By default, the Town Council must appoint a Mayor:

  1. Empowered to communicate the Town Council's actions to the Town.

  2. Responsible for seeing that all new laws and measures are communicated to the Town.

  3. May declare a State of Emergency in moments of immediate strife to assume limited executive power.

    a. A Town Council Meeting must be called within 1 Trade Meet to address the purpose of the State of Emergency.

  4. No action taken by the Mayor during a State of Emergency may be permanent in duration.

Section 6: Laws are a requirement of any civilized society.

The following are stated to be crimes:

  1. Murder

  2. Theft

  3. Property Damage

  4. Slavery

  5. Bribery of Officials

    a. The act of bribing an Official is an attempt to subvert the will of the People. To accept a bribe is to betray the trust of the People placed in an Official to represent the whole rather than the individual.

The Elder Council shall, in all circumstances, ratify laws passed within the boundaries of their home and land to ensure the interests of all citizens of each zone are upheld. Any zone of the larger whole of Steel Horse Crossing and surrounding lands found to operate outside of the Elder Council’s purview in this matter, on land granted to these zones, shall have said zone returned to the whole under care of the Elder Council and forego further rights as granted by said body.

Section 7: Citizenship of Steel Horse Crossing shall be defined by the Public Works of SHC and matters of citizenship shall be handled by Public Works. Any citizenship issued by Public Works before the ratification of this Constitution shall be considered valid. Proof of citizenship shall be issued by Public Works and no other entity.