Hey, Did You Hear? - October's Rumors

“My sister’s husband’s family lives next to the Steel Bloods encampment and said they’ve been dealing with some “un-neighborly behavior”. I dunno what that means, but I betcha they’re gonna ask some folk to help ‘em do something about it.”


“Joe, you seen the docks lately? Between the Harrington PLC and the SHC Navy’s reg’lur business and preparing for the big market, its been going strong day and night!’




“So many of them Church of Darwin followers have been flocking to town lately that the local Darwins need to make some info packets to hand out to ‘em!”


“Your Solestros boyfriend said some companies called Sterling and Bloom were looking for investors. What’s that mean? Do they only take money or can I invest some cows now for more cows later?”


“Seems like a lotta folks are coming back from big adventures out in the Wastes. Gramma said she saw a big flying ship coming this way, but she’s reeeeal old so I dunno if she sees too good no more.”


“Ya know those loud-as-hell noises you heard last night? An RPM fella said that was Sophie Gates rolling back into town with a buncha half-raiders lookin’ to move em into the RPM compound. I wonder how mad Abe’s gonna be about her leaving that baby with ‘im way back when?”


“So lemme get this straight… If I want to buy something ‘under the table’, I gotta go to the nasty side of town where folks get killed on the regular? Shit, being a criminal sounds dangerous!”

Steel Horse Time Jump, Year 3

The third year following the fall of the Ironworks found Steel Horse Crossing settling into its population growth. Secure systems were regularly built and put into place to produce enough food, brews, equipment, and medical treatment for its populous. Much like most cities, Steel Horse had found itself large enough to have different neighborhoods, districts, and communities within its confines, and settlers would choose where they were most comfortable to make their homes. There were communes, compounds, plantations, and encampments with different families, clans, and gangs in each. Crime had become relatively manageable and mostly went back to dark alleys and the Wastelands where it belonged. Some people even started to make enough money that they began investing in local businesses to further grow the economy and the town’s capabilities.

The most sizeable district in town was protected by the Steel Bloods, and their numbers grew steadily every day. They had a penchant for absorbing smaller groups and gangs into their district and larger organization, adding to their numbers, abilities, and power. The increasing size of this district and group only elevated their ability to govern the area, and their insistence that all their members vote as soon as they became a citizen allowed them to hold the majority of the seats and positions in Steel Horse Crossing’s elected government by the second election that year. It was easy enough to accomplish because each candidate on the ticket identified themselves as their original, smaller gang, group, or clan so that they would not go against the letters of the law. The town was large enough that not everyone knew where each candidate lived, and many non-Steel Bloods lived within their district for it to be not too questionable by the populous. By the end of the year, it had become abundantly clear to some that the Steel Bloods had played an exceptional long game and now the town was begrudgingly beholden to the laws it had created just a few years prior.

Trade had increased in the area with the GLTC’s introduction of the Quarterly Marketplace events held in March, June, August, and November. The town of Steel Horse Crossing hosted the event and the SHC Navy and local law enforcement provided the event’s security necessary for such a gathering. Restaurants, sales of wares & equipment, entertainment, and parties became the hub of the local economy during these events and people came from all over to see what the settlement had to offer. Makeshift booths, bars, and stages decorated the city center and each Quarterly Marketplace grew larger and more diverse with its offerings. The local ports and ships stayed busy with the escort, transport, and protection of merchants and patrons of the market.

The Lascarian population continued to grow and had become a notable part of the community. They were working with the Helldiver Society, and subsequently the Helldiver’s Association, to find and dig more functional, safe tunnels beneath Steel Horse Crossing for their homes. They also started working with the townspeople in safer mine placement and facilitating underground salvage operations. Soon the rumors that had been spread about the Lascarians many years prior were barely whispered by only the most curmudgeonly of codgers in the back corners of taverns.

There have always been contradictory folks in every town throughout all of time, but it was hard to shut the discordant dipsomaniacs up when the raiders started getting through the layers of defenses into the city proper. “Told ya they’d be back soon enough! I TOLD YA!” could be heard from the doors & windows of taverns every time a few raiders ran through town to break into a building and take their goods. One or two times was completely probable and understandable, but the regularity of it had become worrisome and the dissonant drunks, annoying.


Welcome to Dystopia Rising: Evolved, Steel Horse Crossing!

We’re excited to have you join us for some excellent stories, exciting events, and unforgettable experiences!

Steel Horse Crossing Time Jump, Year 2

The first year after the fall of the Ironworks proved to be highly productive, considering how much rebuilding needed to be done. After that year of physical and economic rebuilding, people started to steadily move into the thriving cities in higher numbers, Steel Horse Crossing included. From farmers looking for better quality land to scavengers looking for the scraps of the fallen empire, every sort of person imaginable wandered through, analyzing whether Steel Horse was a good place to live or “ripe for the pickins”.

The town’s population grew significantly, and housing, food, and basic supplies started to run short of the demand. Those who had known the starvation of Winters past knew the telltale signs of potential supply shortages and started to teach the newer townspeople how to prepare for the worst. They reached out to the seasoned production groups such as the Rooftop Farmers Association, the IBC, and the Livestock Ranching Federation that they’d worked with previously to secure plans for safer and more productive farming & brewing facilities. They talked with the Ridge Tribes to help teach more people to hunt and scrounge food sources in the area. The Winter was difficult with so many more mouths to feed, but Steel Horse Crossing came through with better, more secure facilities and practices for production than before. The need to develop these sorts of systems and alliances was not isolated to Steel Horse, but crucial across the entire area that Winter, and this subsequently led to the forming of The Labour Union across many of the remaining territories.

With this wave of settlers coming into the area, criminal activity rose, and the residents had to evaluate and increase the security on their homes and possessions. In response to that need, the sheriffs created an extensive network of deputies that could be called-on. The Steel Bloods offered to assist with managing the crime by sending out groups of patrols to wander the town’s perimeter so that the sheriffs and their deputies could manage the central areas of town and the RPM could cover any outside threats. The SHC Navy had their hands full securing the safety of the local waterways and ports, so they reached out to known and trusted privateers to train some of the townsfolk how to sail and work the boats & docks. This collaboration proved to be priceless in many ways, particularly when other lake-bordering settlements started reaching out to discuss trade, security, and salvage operations. After six months of negotiations and paper-shuffling, the Great Lakes Trading Company was formed and many people within Steel Horse Crossing were eager for the development of avenues for trade and commerce.

As the city steadily grew, it encroached dangerously close to the irradiated zone. People who had recently settled on the outskirts started coming into the city-center sick. Those who had survived the raider wars and its consequent irradiated fungal sickness recognized the tell-tale signs of exposure to the disease. People started getting sick all over, and once again, there weren’t enough doctors to cure people as fast as the disease was spreading. The local scientists and doctors appealed to, and invested in, Bloom Industries for assistance in studying the fungus and its infection to assist in the local doctors developing a cure. After three grueling months, the infection within the local mycorrhizal fungi was cured and the new settlers were moved further away from the irradiated zone for good measure.

The political unrest that came two years prior with the New United Kinship movement hadn’t grown much beyond its original size until they decided to join forces with the Steel Bloods. The NUKM loyalists not only added the Steel Bloods’ colors to their ensemble, but they assisted with the perimeter patrols and business. In exchange, the Steel Bloods offered the NUKM members access to more people & resources as well as a base of operations. At this point, the Steel Bloods had grown in numbers so significantly that they now held half of the elected positions in Steel Horse Crossing.

Steel Horse Crossing Constitution

Section 1: The protectorates exist as a fundamental reminder of the inherent rights of all Citizens of Steel Horse Cross are entitled to. As well, they serve as guidelines to future law crafters, so they serve the common needs of the people without trampling those things we hold supreme.

  1. SELF-DEFENSE. The ability to protect oneself from the dangers of the Wasteland are necessary and shall not be infringed.

  2. RELIGIOUS AUTONOMY. Individual expression and practice of any and all faiths shall not be impeded. These practices, however, shall not be exempt from lawful ordinance.

  3. BODILY AUTONOMY. We are the ones ultimately in control of ourselves and our destinies. No law, or nation, may impede, or be imposed, as an attempt to force someone into action.

Certain elements of these protectorates can be waived in the case of dangerous criminals, up to and including loss of the protectorate of SELF-DEFENSE, RELIGIOUS AUTONOMY, and freedom of movement. However, BODILY AUTONOMY shall not be impeded.

Section 2: Officials in the Government Bodies that comprise the overall Government of Steel Horse Crossing shall follow these guidelines.

  1. Resident and Citizen of Steel Horse Crossing

  2. Holding no other position in a foreign government

  3. Be endorsed by 3 non-affiliated individuals

  4. All officials shall hold office for a term of 5 months

  5. An official may not hold consecutive terms

  6. An official may not hold more than one position per term

Voting shall be conducted on the 7th and 12th trade month of the year.

Every Citizen shall be entitled to two votes in each of the Government Bodies Elections. Votes may not be spent both on one candidate.

Voting shall be conducted in the following fashion:

  1. Provide proof of citizenship

  2. Receive a ballot to be filled out privately

    a. For those unable to read or write, a Depot Official shall be provided.

  3. Ballot shall be registered and counted via double-blind, through both the Depot and the Elder Council

For those unable to attend trade during election month a proxy may be selected and empowered by sending them along with the proxied citizenship paperwork.

Section 3: Three Bodies of Government shall be what compose the Greater Government.

Town Council (5 Positions)

  1. The Body shall be empowered to create and repeal laws.

  2. The Body shall be empowered to create administrative bodies and appoint individuals to oversee them.

  3. A majority vote is required to pass a law or measure.

Law Enforcement - Sheriff (2 Positions)

  1. This Body shall be empowered to investigate any reported crime.

  2. This body shall see to enforcement of Judicial Punishment.

  3. May appoint Citizens as Deputies to assist in Duties.

Judicial Authority - Judges (2 Positions)

  1. Empowered to sit in judgement over criminal cases, render verdicts, and decide on fair punishments excluding death (requires an additional vote by the Town Council)

  2. Empowered to interpret law and the fair application of its uses and needs

  3. Judicial Review shall view past cases for the precedence of proper judgment and punishment

Section 4: In cases of need, such as when found guilty of a crime, Officials may be removed from office.

  1. Judges and Sheriffs may be removed by a unanimous Town Council Vote of No Confidence

  2. Town Councilors may be removed by a unanimous vote of no confidence from Judges, Sheriffs, and other Town Councilors.

In the event of an Official being removed from office, a vote shall be held at the earliest convenience.

Section 5: All administrative functions and offices shall be properly staffed by appointment through majority votes of the Town Council.

By default, the Town Council must appoint a Mayor:

  1. Empowered to communicate the Town Council's actions to the Town.

  2. Responsible for seeing that all new laws and measures are communicated to the Town.

  3. May declare a State of Emergency in moments of immediate strife to assume limited executive power.

    a. A Town Council Meeting must be called within 1 Trade Meet to address the purpose of the State of Emergency.

  4. No action taken by the Mayor during a State of Emergency may be permanent in duration.

Section 6: Laws are a requirement of any civilized society.

The following are stated to be crimes:

  1. Murder

  2. Theft

  3. Property Damage

  4. Slavery

  5. Bribery of Officials

    a. The act of bribing an Official is an attempt to subvert the will of the People. To accept a bribe is to betray the trust of the People placed in an Official to represent the whole rather than the individual.

The Elder Council shall, in all circumstances, ratify laws passed within the boundaries of their home and land to ensure the interests of all citizens of each zone are upheld. Any zone of the larger whole of Steel Horse Crossing and surrounding lands found to operate outside of the Elder Council’s purview in this matter, on land granted to these zones, shall have said zone returned to the whole under care of the Elder Council and forego further rights as granted by said body.

Section 7: Citizenship of Steel Horse Crossing shall be defined by the Public Works of SHC and matters of citizenship shall be handled by Public Works. Any citizenship issued by Public Works before the ratification of this Constitution shall be considered valid. Proof of citizenship shall be issued by Public Works and no other entity.

Steel Horse Crossing Time Jump, Year 1

The resilience of the people of Steel Horse Crossing had been tempered with years of living within the Ironworks. When the Ironworks fell, the townspeople proved themselves capable of taking on the enormous tasks of rebuilding the structure of their town, Public Works, and own governance. Even with the enormous horde of undead that came from the war against the ‘Works and the epidemic plague of radioactive fungal infections that sickened its people, the town somehow managed to evolve and survive.

The radiation and fungal infections eventually waned significantly, and the people were painstakingly cured. There were still significant patches of irradiated fungal infections around the town, but they were clearly marked so as to prevent further outbreaks and contamination of the populous. Bloom Industries made an offer to the Elder Council to establish a small outpost nearby in order to better study the impact of the Great Tree and the surrounding areas, having sensed a missed opportunity.

The constitution created by the citizens of Steel Horse Crossing was approved, delivered, and enacted. Different factions within the scope of this constitution each moved comfortably into their new roles. The RPM shifted the majority of their efforts into the general border protection of all zones around Steel Horse. The Ridge Tribes began to drift into the town-proper more often, learning a lesson from the fall of the Kishwaukee, and make a more concerted effort to keep an eye on their own people. The Hamilton-Tarens Clan worked diligently to open up land-based trade routes to a much wider audience than previously, allowing commerce to flourish in areas of town where it was fostered. The Steel Bloods, having been invited to live in and participate with town politics, were granted citizenship by the Public Works, integrated with the town by building a large camp, and gained a seat on the council with the first formal election. The Children of the Starless Sky, as well as a few other clans of Lascarians, were seen in town more often, discussing the tunnels and their previous home, as well as telling stories about being chased away from town many years ago by worrisome monsters and vicious lies & rumors. Even a few Unstable began to trickle in from the outskirts of the area, prompted by the one scout that fought alongside others from Steel Horse Crossing against the Ironworks, coming in small numbers during trade-meets.

The people in this formerly Ironworks territory continued the legacy of being technologically advanced and proactive towards the advancement of their civilization. The small radio tower built in Steel Horse Crossing broadcasted the radiowaves needed to eliminate the slave collars every week for months, eliminating all remaining signals in the area. Seemingly overnight, people started carrying small, handheld devices that emitted the same tones that quickly became commonplace among those who wanted to ensure the collars could never be used again.

Privateering and outright piracy became rampant on the waterways with the sudden fall of the Ironworks and the Iron Navy’s protection. Captain Maggie, at the behest of the townspeople and those who formerly worked for the Iron Navy, worked on an arrangement with the RPM for use of the naval yard and its ships. Citizens who had formerly worked for the Navy worked diligently to assemble, train, and support those who were previously enslaved to build their careers into what was quickly becoming a civilian water-faring militia they called the SHC Navy. These people worked closely with the developing town and its government to increase security for its citizens from a significant amount of waterborne threats.

Financial Institutions of Steel Horse Crossing

Each of the following organizations have direct ties to the community of Steel Horse Crossing, and those in the financial know will have opportunities to act for, and with, each of these groups.  Choose carefully how each of these companies are supported and tended to, as each will have a direct impact on the prosperity of Steel Horse Crossing and everyone within the area.


The Elder Council

Perhaps one of the most easily recognizable organizations by name alone, the Elder Council has been the foundation of Steel Horse Crossing from the beginning.  The three main clans, or families, that make up the Elder Council include The RPM, The Hamilton-Taren Clan, and the Ridge Tribes.  The RPM, as the first settlers, control waterway access and are responsible for overall town protection from outside forces.  The Hamilton-Taren Clan focuses on commerce and general upkeep of the Steel Horse community, ensuring goods and services are available.  The Ridge Tribes scout, hunt and scrounge to maintain food stores and trade goods.  All three work in concert to ensure the prosperity of Steel Horse Crossing.


The Helldiver’s Association

One of the older institutions in the overall region, the Helldiver’s Association is best known for their society membership that jump into adverse conditions to ensure safe living for those near the hellscape that randomly appears over the summers in different locations.  They also serve a very different purpose as an institution however, as they are also the premiere company to hire when one needs information about local areas, dig sites, mining, ancient artifacts, and other relics from days past.  Their knowledge of the general world is unparalleled.  The Helldiver’s Society is a small group of dedicated people that help others and are often supported by The Helldiver’s Association via resources and information.


Bloom Industries

Bloom Industries has been a staple in the scientific community for some time and has a long history of achievements in research and development of local and foreign flora.  In short, if you want to know anything about plants top to bottom, Bloom Industries has already done some extensive research in the area.  They formerly worked for the Ironworks almost exclusively in the local area but were otherwise fully funded and self-directed.  With the Ironworks fallen, they have chosen to stay rooted in the local area and continue their outreach across the Wastes in order to learn more about the wonders of natural (and perhaps unnatural) plant life.


The Labour Union

Formerly headed by the Ironworks Brewing Collective, the Labour Union has consistently been a source of community work and development in the production sectors.  With the Ironworks pushed back, the IBC has stepped down as de facto leadership and cemented their relationship with other production sources.  The Rooftop Farmers association, the Mining Guild, the Livestock Ranching Federation, and several other groups that are familiar faces in the area have all agreed to a loose partnership for the betterment of the overall production of the region.


The Great Lake Trading Company

Born out of a combination of former Ironworks naval sailors, lake trading across the waters, and the very legal (and likely some illegal) privateering sanctioned on the waters, The Great Lake Trading Company was formed to take advantage of a void of productivity following the fall of the Ironworks.  The GLTC provides a great number of services including open trade, protection, escort, and salvage operations.  Some even rumor that they have kept up the tradition of privateering under the black flag, though the ties between the rumors and the institution never seem to have a solid enough foundation for a true accusation.


Sterling Controls & Mechanics

Science and Technology was never in short supply in this region, and Sterling was at the heart of many of the developments coming from the Ironworks for many decades.They have a dual purpose according to their mission statement: to develop new and advancing technology, and to manufacture that technology in an efficient, cost-effect fashion.While their morals have been called into question here and there, they have maintained that they work independently for the highest bidder, according to their mission statement, and do not take part in the debate on whether science and technology must follow a moral code.Instead, they view their purpose as a purer concept, and allow those that consume their work to debate the moral quandaries that may come from it.

A Letter for Captain Maggie

A young woman, barely into her twenties, stepped into the stonework and wood structure on the tail end of the outlying space between Steel Horse Crossing proper and the old naval yard.  It was clear she wasn’t familiar with the area, nor it’s people, and seemed baffled that she had a drink in one hand and something resembling food that smelled delicious in the other.

“Letter for Captain Maggie?” she asked more than said, her mouth working on the last morsel she had popped in before entering the building.

The metal veil swaying slightly as she stood, a woman well beyond twice the girl’s age beckoned towards her.  “Whaddya got hon?”

The dark green coat was spoiled, and some of the embroidery was lifting.  With a small curse, the Pure lit the candle in his quarters and immediately fretted over the stray threads.  With a deeper than usual sigh, he quietly exclaimed to the metal walls around him, “It’ll have to wait.  Damn shame.”

Extracting a pristine leather folio from a supply bag, he dutifully set up the makeshift writing table with his normal wares.  Fine paper, an immaculate bottle of ink, and a well-tended feather tipped in a precious silvery metal.  The ink well sat at the tip of the page with a small porous square of material to catch any errant drips, while the pen was deposited just enough to cover a portion of the metal tip.  He ran a single hand over the surface, feeling the small ripple of the sheet.  It was a ritual he had completed many times, and each time it calmed him considerably.  Reaching inside the coat, he withdrew a small package he set to the left before reaching for the quill.

“My captains, my comrades,” he began writing, not sure where this all would lead.

“I write this as perhaps the last time you might hear from me.  There is an impending fight that comes to our borders, and I have left each of you in charge of a small grouping of ships in order to protect each of our precious shore cities.  I am not so lucky, and I have been called with my fleet to engage in a variety of maneuvers.  I do not expect this to find each of you in time, but if it happens to make it to your hands, please know that I need you were I positioned you.  Where I am headed is important to those in power, not those who need protection the most.

The rumors we have heard are slowly being confirmed.  The Ironworks, always making progress, has gone well beyond their support of the abominable treatment of other people and have been experimenting for their own gain at manipulating the very core of our own bodies.  I know, as I am marked for ‘retrieval’ should I fall in battle.  I’m not even sure what that means aside from becoming a mindless servant of an empire built on the backs of its people.  I want none of that, and I assuredly do not wish my sailors to suffer the same fate.

To that end, I commit to writing that as the Admiral of The Great Lake western squadron, I will not be standing idly by working for the same people that would commit atrocities for their own self-serving needs.  And while I will not issue any orders to make you work against the same people, committing yourself to treason, I know you all well enough to understand you will do what is best when the time requires it.  I therefore release you to whatever service you must find to carry out the last of my orders: Protect those that you serve, especially from tyranny.

I go now to meet on the waters and, when the time is right, do what must be done to ensure whatever remains of my conscience is clear.

Fair winds, my friends.

Michael Passavoy

Rear Admiral, Iron Navy”

Thinking for a moment as he read through the letter once more, he nodded slowly and shifted the first sheet upward on the desk and began the next, copying the original text.

After some time, he pulled a small wooden handled seal and a bar of blue-green sealing wax, sealing and addressing each letter in turn within a different size and shape of envelope.  He would need to find a moment before the battle to send these off in different towns along the way.  At least one would need to make it through.

Maggie extended her hand for the envelope as the young woman dropped it into her hand.  A hidden frown was accompanied by a visible raised eyebrow.  As she turned the envelope over, her eyes fixed on the seal immediately.  Without her standard composure, she hastily slid a finger in between the envelope and seal, ignoring the slight coating of grime on the surface of the entire thing.

Pulling the letter from its sheath, she scanned it top to bottom in moments.  Her eyes narrowed, the emotional confusion washing over the visible parts of her face.  Drawing in a slow breath, she exhaled at length and turned slightly.  Over her shoulder Wrigley was watching from her station at the desk, as Maggie stated simply and slowly, “Go find me someone from the RPM.  Please.”

3.0 Updates

Good morning folks!

Some updates for you now that I have had a moment to sit and breathe. You are going to want to read this. ^_^

1. Please wait to update your characters in the 3.0 database as we won't be porting over the 2.0 changes to XP totals until the 14th. Please wait until the 15th to update your characters. If you have already begun creating characters in the 3.0 database you will need to recreate them on the 15th as everything will be wiped with the update. IF YOU DON'T HAVE ACCESS TO THE 3.0 DATABASE EMAIL ME ASAP SO I CAN GET YOU ACCESS. All the emails have been sent so if you don't have one yet, you aren't going to get one, just email me and I'll get you set up. ^_^ Customerservice@dystopiarisingwi.com

2. I am expecting a flood of emails from folks who didn't know what they wanted to spend their transfer points on. You have until the 20th, end of day, to get me those emails or you will walk into October's game with starting gear only. (Yes, I will be reminding you regularly!) If you need to adjust something for your spreadsheet (add cards you found, add AP you forgot) please let me know asap and I'll get you sorted so you are ready to go on the 21st. Customerservice@dystopiarisingwi.com

3. Many of you have already submitted, but if you have feedback from the last game you can submit it here.

4. Please, Please, Please use the customerservice@dystopiarisingwi.com email to ask questions about the conversion. I am trying to make sure I don't miss anyone's question, but having questions sent to 4 different locations means someone is going to get missed and I don't want to do that. Thank you!

5. Pre-registration for October's game will wait to open until the final 3.0 database port after the 14th. Please bear with us as we learn the new database and get the webpage set up to handle the new way of doing things. This month will not be a normal month as we figure out how 3.0 is going to work on the back end of things. If you have questions or concerns, email and I can get you sorted.

6. We have time skip stories coming soon! Real life stuffs have thrown off our timing. Rest assured we are working to catch up as fast as we can. Thank you all for your patience and I can't wait to see where your stories go from here!

Heather - Logistics Coordinator

Hey, Did You Hear? - September's Rumors

“That Junior Black fella is General of some kind of fascist regime that’s trying to take over the area. Have you seen the thugs he’s got in his group?”

“My sister told me that our local graverobber was trying ta get some folks more infection so’s they don’t die soon but ended up killing a buncha folks in the process. Don’t seem like a good trade-off, does it?”

“The Steel Bloods sure have been doing a lot to help the town. They’s been coming into the area in droves and helping folks make traps and zed attractant to help with the oncoming horde. I guess our folks invited em to live here now and join the town government?”

“Town hasn’t done any elections yet, but they’ve done some judging and laws-makin’ and such. Prolly a good idea since town’s been getting so big these last few years.”

“Didja see the Norske fightin’ some guy last trade? He had their scarf, but they was fightin’ him, so who knows if they’re family or foe? Those Norske are confusing.”

“Folks sure have been researching that sickness going around, but I ain’t seen it getting anything but worse. They’s didn’t even have a library last trade, so they’re just talking to each other to figure out what to do. I’m tired of moving around and feeling sick, so’s them smart folk better hurry!”

“Holy Moly! A meat cult came to the Church of Bacon and they ended up sacrificing one of their own outside the kitchen and then when a fight broke out, the leader died and took Bells with him! Don’t worry though, one of the graverobbers spent a fortune of stuff and saved her. Now there’s group of people who’s gonna go hunting the cult down!”

Consecrated to Cataclysm: The Story of Steel Horse Crossing’s Great Tree

To read part 1 & 2 click here.

Part 3

The animals and undead became exponentially more hostile and toxic the longer that they were exposed to the sickness over time. The disease spread a little more every day, affecting the water table and every living thing that needs water to exist. A few people took samples of the soil and plants to research what was happening with the environment, but the lack of prior examples in the limited libraries available to them kept their knowledge too limited to find any kind of permanent solution.

At the same time, the raider threat started to increase significantly. The sheer volume of raiders that attacked Steel Horse Crossing was immense, causing its people to close off parts of town so that the denizens could stay better protected. At first, it was just large numbers of the Cheesehead raiders. Then, Bada’s forces moved in with the assistance of several clans of Pitstops, leaving the local citizens caught in the middle. Eventually, the situation became bad enough that the Iron Works intervened and the resulting shelling of sizeable and irradiated explosives between the raiders and the Iron Works was substantial. The Raider War eventually ended with the citizens of Steel Horse Crossing mostly surviving, but the damage to the land itself was irreparable. (S3, 2018)


Part 4

The irradiated, diseased zone became more virulent and widespread than ever before with its exposure to the immense amounts of radioactive shelling done during the Raider War. Locals from the outskirts of Steel Horse Crossing had started coming into town with a new, more-intensified version of the sickness the land itself had, manifesting itself as growths of irradiated fungus on the face and body. The people of Steel Horse Crossing continued having to move around to different parts of the town to keep from growing sick from radiation and disease. At this point, a few townspeople took samples of the glowing mushrooms, the fungus from the diseased settlers’ faces, the soil, and other items to more vigilantly research what was causing this catastrophic environmental disaster. They finally are starting to discover that this sickness in the land is so incredibly widespread, so vast, that it is impossible to cure except through diligent, expensive means over a very long period of time.

During this time, the townspeople haven’t noticed the subtle, silent mutations that have been taking place within their cells, their DNA, while being exposed to this diseased, irradiated land for such an extensive amount of time. Some of their knowledge is starting to fade from their mind and be replaced with different intuitions and skills. Key aspects of their strain are starting to fall away and be replaced by different attributes and mutations. The changes are so subtle, so gradual, that people probably have just started to notice that the way they’ve existed for their entire lives is now beginning to be slightly different… (S4, 2019, 2.0 Finale)