A Letter from Dick Berken

The OOG aspects from this post:
If your character wants to pitch in anything, please send mail to our usual email address (wisconsin.dystopiarising@gmail.com) to detail the following three categories:

1) What cards or currency are you submitting before game on?
2) How much body, mind and/or infection are you committing to these efforts?
3) If you offer physical labor beyond mind/body/infection pre-game, please indicate that you are willing to take an extra 2 hour NPC shift at the start of game.

Player input from last game, pre-game for March, and at March's game will continue to contribute to ongoing overarc plot. The items submitted above will not enable any downtime action, but will be collected at the beginning of the game (for items/cards), potentially adjust your character sheet per your indicated expenditures entering the March game (to be announced), or be realized at game (per extra NPC shift).