Hey, did you hear? - December Rumors

“Well, for a horde, they sure looked….festive?”

“Which Judge is in charge now when a farmer on one side of town does bad business with the other? Can folks from someplace else ever expect a fair shake in Steel Horse?”

“Folks were none too polite to that Mr. Maddox, but Sterling Controls took the hint last trade and parted ways with the Steel Bloods...or so they say. Hopin’ the bossman don’t change his mind, or at least keeps out of the way for a bit while folks settle things with the coming railroad.”

“Winter seems to have a way of changing the landscape. Season change’ll do that. Local Tribes could tell you, and even some of the Landsfolk. Not just above ground, but below.”

“Admiral Davie of the Merchant Marines is talking about getting a radio relay in place for the local ships. Finally that hulk of a radio tower might find a purpose!”

“Astor and Frick are due to make another appearance this month at the Town Hall Meeting. Surely they have an interest in how the town operates, now that they’ve made it clear they plan to invest in rebuilding the Depot.”

“The Final Knights have thoughts on winter too, interesting enough if you’re willing to listen.”

“Little late for a flotilla to be headed north, but that’s what we saw. Movin’ slow, several ships all movin’ together.. Getting caught in the ice is gonna be the least of their worries, though, if they’re not careful around Steel Horse.”

“Money Back guarantee! Not available from your local caravan. But wait, there’s more! If you act now - double your offer - one for you and give the other as a gift! Now is the season for giving! That’s right, TWO, yes two for the price of one…”

“Thank heaven all them cattle made it through to slaughter last trade. Sounds like at least one side of Steel Horse will be well stocked this winter. Wonder how them Steel Bloods made out?”